Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ok, time for a rant...

Read this article...and PLEASE pay attention to the part that states that the children involved in the accident had lost their mother "some time ago" and the grandmother was taking care of them. Well, thanks to a total idiot that decided to get loopy and then drive around, the kids have a new tragedy on their hands, that's if the little girl survives.
This lady blew a .12 and had been reported to our boys in blue well before this tragedy but communication evidently broke down between the 911 dispatcher & the units on the streets. Now I appreciate our police and totally respect them--that's not my beef. My problem is two-fold, 1. this lady should not have been on the streets to begin with. 2. I have called 911 on SEVERAL occasions only to be switched multiple times, put on hold, even hung up on! Reports show that several folks called this lady in as she went from hwy 169 to the BA to hwy 75, more than enough time to have avoided this tragedy. It's not the police that need fixing, it's the system of receiving & dispatching these urgent calls for help that needs a 911 call itself....and FAST!!
How many more people will have to die? How many more kids will grow up without a mommy or daddy? FIX THE SYSTEM, TULSA!!

Now to the real issue, drinking & driving. I beg you...if you drink, do us all a favor and get someone to drive you home...please!!! Now if you have known me for a while, you know that I am a recovered alcoholic(yes, I said recovered, ask me about it sometime). So believe me when I say that I am not perfect, and I have been in this position(drinking & driving), albeit not for the last 9 years. I am totally ashamed of it but I know when you think that you've had a few & think you can handle it, but it only takes one screw up and your life is changed forever, not to mention the innocent bystanders. Please don't do it!!!

Sorry for the rant, but I feel terrible for these kids.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A little change...

Good morning,
I have made some changes to the ol' blog layout. I have included some more storm chaser links and they will list in order of their latest updates! I will add to that list as time goes by. Also I have put a link on so you can subscribe to my blog, and a google ad at the bottom. Check it out & let me know what you think!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I press towards the Mark.....

You know, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. We all have had this feeling, that the weight of our little world is too much. What makes us go on? For me, the Lord kindly reminds me that, while I have my own problems, things could be worse. From my best friend fighting cancer, to another friend whose marriage is not going well, to elder friends that have endured pain that I cannot comprehend. When I put things into this perspective, I actually am very blessed. Just think, if I'd have stayed in bed today, then I would not have been able to shoot this gorgeous sunrise!! It's all in the way you look at things...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fireproof, the movie....go see it!!

Good evening everyone,
I just got back from seeing the movie Fireproof. WOW! What a truly inspiring movie. I believe that God inspired this movie to be seen by everyone! I highly recommend this movie to anyone and if it doesn't change your life or the way that you look at things, then I'll buy you a Coke! IT'S THAT GOOD!!
From friends that are having marriage troubles, to folks that think that they have "it" all together, there is something in this movie for you!! Go see's worth the investment!!

I am thinking of taking our youth group to see it and whoever would like to come with us, let me know. It will probably either be Thursday at 6:45pm, or a Sunday matinee (after church, of course!) I will let you know more later. I just wanted to get the word out that this is a great movie filled with Godly principles.

Update on Mike...

I just waned to give you an update on my best friend Mike....
Mike has started back to work on a limited basis, and also started his chemo last week. Please continue to keep Mike in your thoughts & prayers as this is heavy duty chemo. He has to take this for 19 more weeks. It has been and continues to be a very heavy time for Mike and his fiancee Sally. Sally has been there for Mike in his greatest time of need. To Sally I say thank you for coming into Mike's life just in time to rescue him. You have been awesome and I pray that you two have a very happy life together. To Mike I say, hang in there, have lots of friends praying & rooting for ya! We'll get through this soon!! To all of our friends let me say a very sincere thank you for supporting our fund raising efforts for Mike, and especially thanks for your prayers during these difficult times. Please continue praying....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Texting while driving....

My old Alma Mater is trying to do something about this "epidemic". Kids are already distracted enough trying to gain experience driving---they don't need to even have their phones on while driving!! Please keep your kids safe if they are driving!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pics from my chase!

Here's just a few quick shots from my chase yesterday near Perkins, Ok.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chase today?

Ok.....I am stupid if I don't chase my gas....etc. Storm speeds will be a problem, tho and the sunset at 5:45 will hinder my chances. SPC mentions possibility of strong long lived tornadoes though, so everyone watch the weather today & tonight!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's over!!!!

Well, friends, the hateful, crooked politicians that run this fine country can buy air time & take jabs at their opponents no more (at least for now)...As for me, I kinda wish both political parties could rewind about a year and try again. The biased media have championed their obvious choice for Nobama. I mean, at the top of all the network newscasts they have spent about 75% of the time touting Nobama and 25% slamming McCain.

I fear what will happen in the next four years if the new Pres is Nobama. I pray for the greatest nation in the world. Whatever the outcome, all I can do is cast my vote today and pray for God's wisdom for all voters...

Please continue to pray for Mike....he started back to work on a limited schedule last week but also started his heavy dose chemo yesterday. I hate cancer.